Thursday, June 17, 2010

How to restore windows XP to a previous working state?

Today tip is very helpful to recover the windows XP troubles and then restore it in earlier working state. You can recover the windows serious components and return your computer to earlier state without loss of private data using windows XP built-in system restore feature. With new programs being installed, viruses infecting and spyware creates problem in your browsers it is not strange for your computer to suddenly stop behaving correctly. So you can perform the windows recovery process and return your computer to earlier state within a minute. 
Follow the specified steps to run System Restore wizard:
To use this feature, you will need to be logged into your computer with administrative rights
First click on Start button> All programs> Accessories> System Tools then click on System Restore

   Now a "Welcome to System Restore" wizard will be started, first read the details on left side of the page.

On the "Select a Restore Point" page, click on bold date option, but try to use a restore
date as close as possible to a time just before the problem started then click on Next
                      your computer
will restart with "Restoration Complete" message, click Ok button to finish the process.

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